We decided to merge a couple of subforums together to streamline Fanres a bit.
"Movies" and "Cartoon, TV series" were merged into "Movies, TV and other"
"Restorations, preservations, edits etc." and "Available releases" into "Official and unofficial releases"
"Bug reports" with "suggestions"
Also "Encoding, editing and authoring" was changed to "Audio and video editing" and "Conversion and mux/demux" to "Converting, encoding, authoring".
All threads were moved appropriately.
"Movies" and "Cartoon, TV series" were merged into "Movies, TV and other"
"Restorations, preservations, edits etc." and "Available releases" into "Official and unofficial releases"
"Bug reports" with "suggestions"
Also "Encoding, editing and authoring" was changed to "Audio and video editing" and "Conversion and mux/demux" to "Converting, encoding, authoring".
All threads were moved appropriately.