Hello guest, if you like this forum, why don't you register? https://forum.fanres.com/member.php?action=register (December 14, 2021) x

Just getting started..

6 Replies, 4054 Views

Hey guys, I'm new but I will have much to add in the coming year... I wasn't aware of this site until now.  There's lots of cool Cinematic stuff going on and I'm sure we will discuss it all at some point.  I'm looking forward to it, thanks.
Welcome aboard, mate!

Better late than never... Wink
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
Welcome Flexicon9 and have fun Ok
Welcome Flexicon, it's great to have you here.

Yes welcome Flexicon.
On behalf of the community,

"Welcome to fanres!" Wink

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