Name's Koopa. Koopa Luath. For those of you who don't speak Irish, that's Koopa the Quick. As you can see from the title of this thread alone (I greeted you in a mixture of Japanese and Italian), I'm fairly good with languages apart from my native language, that being English. I graduated from college some years ago with a degree in video editing. For years I've been honing my trade at home. I'd mainly restored old logos to old films and television programs, but at one point I used my 3D Blu-ray of The Wolverine and the Extended Edition that came with it to make a 3D Extended Edition with certain scenes and shots in 2D. Though it didn't come out perfect, at the time I was satisfied enough. I've also done some work on PAL speedup reversal on some stuff, including the old Walt Disney Home Video international logo (which is base don the old Disney anthology intro from the early '80s). As for movie-going tastes, I enjoy 3D and IMAX movies. My favorite TV network is PBS. I collect old VHS cassettes and also DVDs and Blu-rays (mainly Blu-rays and VHS cassettes nowadays), so I have plenty of the films whose fan restorations interest me the most (including The Dark Knight IMAX regrade). I was also hoping to contribute some of my own materials, and also work on a few projects of my own.
In any case, I hope to have a great time here!
In any case, I hope to have a great time here!