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the power of a... powerful computer!

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Didn't dare to do this with the old PC - when just one instance would crash, sometime... but now I dare, oh yeah, and I like it!   Big Grin Big Grin  Big Grin

[Image: 5_virtualdub.jpg]

FIVE - I say 5 VirtualDub instances at the same time (with related AviSynth scripts) - four for a single project, split in four parts, and one for another project, that can't be split easily; and, as the CPU is from 80 to 90%, I think I reach the top... so, I've found the right way to speed up the encoding process!!!

...and meanwhile, I'm surfing the web, and listening to a CD (old dinosaur, I know!)
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
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