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Hello from Brasil

7 Replies, 4974 Views

Hello to everyone my name is jorge.
I'm very excited to be here, It's amazing the work you guys make, Thank you all guys for the time invested.
Bem-vindo, jorge! I hope you have a pleasant time here.
Welcome jorge, feel free to discuss, ask questions, learn and have fun! Smile
(2017-04-01, 04:54 PM)Koopa Luath Wrote: Bem-vindo, jorge! I hope you have a pleasant time here.

Muito Obrigado, thank you so much.
Welcome aboard! Smile
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
Greetings, buddy Smile
Also known as Roobyoo
On behalf of the community,

"Welcome to fanres!" Big Grin

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