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When you buy a BD, DO NOT give away the DVD of the same title!

41 Replies, 39993 Views

Because, while the title is the same, probably it is different... sometimes:
  • DVD has different cut
  • DVD has different color grading
  • DVD has different aspect ratio
  • DVD has different sound mix
  • DVD has more audio and/or sub tracks
  • DVD has extras while BD has not, or less, or different
(it could be the same for HD-DVD, Laserdisc etc.)

Luckily I have retained all the DVD even when upgraded to BD, and very few times DVD had exactly the same content of the BD...
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
(2015-03-15, 10:27 PM)spoRv Wrote: Because, while the title is the same, probably it is different... sometimes:
  • DVD has different cut
  • DVD has different color grading
  • DVD has different sound mix
  • DVD has more audio and/or sub tracks
  • DVD has extras while BD has not, or less, or different
(it could be the same for HD-DVD, Laserdisc etc.)

Luckily I have retained all the DVD even when upgraded to BD, and very few times DVD had exactly the same content of the BD...

Good advice. I learned that the hard way after having to reacquire several older DVDs that had different colors or sound. In my naivety I assumed the BDs would be the same as the DVDs. Time has proven otherwise.
Luckily I was wise enough to not sell laserdiscs as well... now everyday I discover one title that I have on laserdisc with different color grading/audio mix/commentary/extra etc. not available on BD nor DVD...
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
Good advice Andrea ..... Smile
Not gonna lie, I've re-bought a few movies on vhs to transfer to DVD lol.
It's a good point, especially when it comes to the audio.
If you love a movie, you should get both DVD and Blu Ray. Sometimes its even worth the cool main menu.
...and don't forget glorious Laserdisc! VHS... I never loved the format... I bought brand new only few tapes, and all of them have dropouts... all...
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
yes, definitely Laserdisc... there are still numerous titles that have the original theatrical color-grading/soundmix (especially mono) ONLY available on Laserdisc.
Laserdisc 4 ever!!! That's why some thousand title resides in my home - taking a LOT of space... Wink
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog

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