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Itzalive Shadoe Masters™

35 Replies, 22829 Views

I have not posted anything in a very long time and I just wanted everyone to know that I am still here, I am uber-busy with a sh*t TON of projects, and I will be beginning the releases of multiple projects some time towards the end of the month and will follow with new releases every few weeks for the rest of the year.

I have decided to name my collection of releases "Itzalive Shadoe Masters™" with the name inspired by the work that I am doing on the audio for Frankenstein, combined with my name and "masters" as a way to distinguish my efforts. (there will be a image for the logo too, but it's still WIP)

A few years ago, I was consumed with the world of video and audio restoration, as it's the only way to be able to see some of my favorite shows/films "come back to life." However, when my journey started, I was "winging it" with a lot of things and although my results were decent, they are very sub-par compared to what I can do today. Subsequently, some projects I started back then, I've had to go back to and start over from scratch. Some might ask, "But why would you waste all of that work?!" and to them, I say that it was NOT a waste. The results were subpar and can be much better now, and I LEARNED a TON while trying to achieve the results needed. Yes, some things took me two-three years to perfect, but I'm glad that I never finished some of those projects as I would not want to do them over if they were already "finished." Fortunately, none of them were, so I don't feel bad scrapping even half of the work in some cases. This only applies to the video, as I've mastered the art of audio editing a long time ago, so at least that I can leave "as-is" YAY!! LOL Tongue

A little while back, I made an announcement that I will not be on the forum that much, as it was taking up too much of my time and side-tracking me with potential new projects way too much and I wanted to focus my time and energy into applying everything I've learned into my current projects. Subsequently, I've moved everything massively forward. So much so, that I can now "officially" announce the projects that are in the queue and will be released under the "Itzalive Shadoe Masters™" brand:

(the order of the releases is still subject to change, as well as the barcode #s - TBA=to be announced)

IASM-0001 - Frankenstein Audio Reconstruction  (although this is the first number and will remain so, this will NOT be released until the FALL)
IASM-0002 - Maya The Bee Complete Series NTSC DVD set (INCLUDING the SABAN Nick Jr US dub, as well as the intro/outro from the Nick Jr US DUB)
IASM-0003 - Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates Complete Series NTSC DVD set
IASM-0004 - The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Complete Series NTSC DVD set
IASM-0005 - Desperate Measures REMASTERED 1998 feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0006 - Top Gun Open-Matte feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0007 - TBA 1080p BD-25
IASM-0008 - The Black Cauldron REMASTERED feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0009 - TBA 1080p BD-25
IASM-0010 - Cool Runnings REMASTERED feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0011 - TBA 1080p BD-25
IASM-0012 - TBA 1080p BD-25
IASM-0013 - Innocent Blood (uncut and uncensored German version) REMASTERED feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0014 - Pink Floyd - The Wall (7th Reel Edition) REMASTERED feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0015 - The Devil's Advocate Extended UNCUT and Uncensored Edition REMASTERED feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0016 - TBA 1080p BD-25
IASM-0017 - Johnny Mnemonic Japanese Edition REMASTERED feature film 1080p BD-25
IASM-0018 - TBA NSTC DVD set

I know, I only mention 12 of the 18 titles in this collection... I can't mention the other titles for now for one reason or another, so please don't ask Wink They will be made available as release date nears.

The first release will be the Maya the Bee series, which is nearly complete now and can be expected towards the end of the month. I will create a dedicated thread for each release (with links here, once available) once the release is COMPLETE. I will NOT be posting any more "in progress" threads, BESIDES THIS ONE. ANY and ALL potential progress will be in this thread, EVEN the projects that already have dedicated threads. I do NOT have the time to read through that many threads right now, so I'm consolidating all of my project updates into this ONE thread for now. This will apply to ALL of my projects for the rest of the year.

Any comments are welcome here, although do NOT expect a speedy response. In SOME cases, it may take me up to a WEEK to respond, so please be patient Wink
Are there any plans to upscale those marked "DVD" to 1080p or 720p for future high definition release using NNEDI3 or some other similar filter?
Hey Jerry, happy to hear you again with these great news!!! Ok

So, I'm not the only one crazy enough about building a so-called restoration collection! Big Grin

I see you have added Johnny Mnemonic and The Black Cauldron; they were into my project drawer, but I let them to you - so, two project less to finish for me! Wink

Hope to see some project releases soon, and to discover the TBA titles ASAP...
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
I have too many projects in the pipeline to be going back and trying to upscale something that I've already worked on. Projects will be released "as-is," (some in SD, some 1080p, some with or without subtitles, only English or multiple audio tracks depending on what I have on-hand) Those that wish to do so, are welcome to take my material and attempt to upscale it themselves or add/strip audio/subtitle options off.

I have been slowed down by too many suggestions and reading about other projects, which makes me think of doing extra stuff and if this continues I will never get a damn thing finished. Hence, the reason I've been absent here and will continue to be, for the most part; until I have the bulk of projects completed. Don't get me wrong, I've learned a lot doing things the way I used to do them, but now it's time to put all that knowledge to good use Wink

The TBA will be exciting stuff that I've never mentioned anywhere before and can't believe I'm working on... no hints, no spoilers Tongue
(2017-05-08, 04:43 AM)jerryshadoe Wrote: The TBA will be exciting stuff that I've never mentioned anywhere before and can't believe I'm working on... no hints, no spoilers Tongue

I hate you, you know that, right? Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Just kidding... eagerly wait to know them!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
Thanks. I'm thinking I'll upscale Winnie the Pooh to 1080p myself and do a 3D version of Top Gun with the original Paramount logo in 3D, as on Friday the 13th Part III and The Man Who Wasn't There, and with your LUT thereof (the LUT being applied individually to the left and right eyes).
Hate me if you want Wink Tongue LOL Big Grin

If you want to upscale it, you are welcome to but I don't think it's a good idea. Yes, a lot of the episodes will be in excellent quality and could possibly be upscaled, but not all of them. Some episodes don't have the best transfers available (as they suffer from a lot of MPEG macro-blocking in fast moving scenes) and upscaling will make the image worse than it already is. You're welcome to try, as maybe you will get better results than I could, but you know the saying, "garbage in, garbage out" Wink

When it comes to my Top Gun open matte project, I am custom matching the fullscreen/open-matte NTSC DVD to an French HDTV open-matte copy I have (it's AR is ~1.95 and I'm opening the entire thing up to 1.78AR using the DVD for difference) Since this does NOT use the crappy, washed out BD or the atrociously re-color-timed 3D version, any LUTs that I have (and there's TONS, as I'm doing a color correction on a shot by shot basis) will be useless to you. Unless you are talking about using my open-matte version to recolor the 3D version, but with that - Good luck! Seriously, good luck. They f***ed it up so bad that there are a lot of crushed blacks and blown out whites, where it'll be hard to do properly. And you will need to do a shot-by-shot correction the way I'm doing. There is NO way you can have an AIO LUT for the color correction. Keep that in mind Wink
Don't you worry, I've got NNEDI3 and Lanczos on my side, just send your copies of all 65 whole and two-story episodes (and maybe the specials) to me, and I'll see what I can do with them (BTW were there any episodes or stories never released on any home media format anywhere?). And yes, I was thinking of using your open-matte version to recolor the 3D version. Perhaps I might even use the luma from whichever eye is the original Tongue
(This post was last modified: 2017-05-08, 07:06 AM by Koopa Luath. Edit Reason: Whoops, wrong wording. )
For those that are interested:

Maya The Bee - SABAN Nick Jr. Intro - Reconstruction version08 - WIP - Credits UNFIXED - No Color Correction - Enhanced Audio version06 - 04/28/2017 - WP

- AVI Sample (16.7MB) 720x540@25fps@1800kbps2chAC3@384kbps - Watermarked & Timecoded:


I KNOW THAT SOME OF THE CREDITS HAVE A LINE IN THEM THAT IS "SEE-THROUGH" AND HAVE ALREADY CORRECTED THIS PROBLEM. First occurrence is at about 7 seconds (top timecode) in the "x" in the word "Executive" and the second one is at about 46 seconds (top timecode) in the "h" in the word "Charge"

Also, GREAT NEWS for this project and a development that occurred just a few hours ago...

The audio that I was going to use for the SABAN Nick Jr. US dub was sourced from a lossy re-encode of the original DVD set that contains the direct-from-VHS transfers. I contacted the person that shared the re-encode and he's very excited about the project to the point of being willing to share the actual DVDs which means one less step of degradation due to lossy re-encoding for the audio. YAY!!! Freakin awesome! Ok

This doesn't slow me down in any way, as the bulk of the work is on the video itself, which I have to color correct and match up prior to any audio work anyway. I have already built LUTs for nearly half of the series and applying them will be very easy as I finally know how to do so in Vegas (took me for-freakin-ever to find the plugin that can do it and I had to pay a decent dollar for it but it's worth it) on top of the fact that DrDre's Color Correction tool has been improved so much since the first version, that it's now usable even on my machine. (building the model on version 1 took about 25-30 minutes and 2-3 minutes for the building of LUT, whereas with the newest version, the whole process takes less than TWO minutes AND is a LOT more accurate - NOTE:times are for 1080p content, SD takes about 30-40 seconds now)

The audio choices for the series will be:

- SABAN Nick Jr. US DUB (where available)
- UK dub (all episodes)
- German (all episodes)
- Polish (all episodes)
- Spanish [Castellano] (all episodes)
- Russian (all episodes, except 85)

These are the only languages I've been able to find that have all 104 episodes dubbed (with exception of 85 for Russian as they didn't dub just that one episode - LOL /and, of course, the US dub which is only partial but will be included as there is no good copy available for that version)

Video is being sourced from a combination of different sources, which include:

German DVD set
partial UK DVD set
Spanish (Castellano) DVD set
partial Japanese DVD set
Polish DVBrips
Russian DVBrips
Nick Jr. VHSrips (only for main title card and [episode title/end credits BACKGROUND only - as I'm reconstructing those TOO])
Amazon Prime downloads (that were available a couple years ago - UK dubbed)

Some episodes will be "multi-sourced" as there are shots/scenes that look better on one transfer versus the next, but it's not consistent and I have to "flip" between sources. This will ensure the best quality copies available for all episodes, but I HAVE to color match them first. However, there will be a drop in quality for season 02 (episodes 53-104) and this is NOT due to anything I can do or the transfers themselves. The second season has always been of a lower quality as it was NOT done by the same animators that did season 01. They will, however, be the highest quality available Wink
It's rewarding when someone who is not expected chime in and help, right?

Oh, so you got finally your new PC, it seems... tell us about it in the other thread!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog

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