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[Request] Rumble in the Bronx laserdisc audio?

7 Replies, 4115 Views


Would anyone happen to have a capture of the sync sound Cantonese track from either the HK or Japanese laserdisc? Also the 5.1. sync sound track from the HK R3 Warner DVD? I know a guy who is working on a fan edit of the film (not sure if he's registered on the board). and he's curious to see how those respective audio tracks sound?

(This post was last modified: 2018-04-05, 02:51 PM by Serums.)
I'm afraid I only have the Original Sound Mix in DD2.0.
Materials are scarce on this particular version of rumble with the US now being the official version around the world.
A fan created version is very much needed Smile
No worries, thanks for the response. The project maker will probably stick with the 2.0, but I believe he was just looking for it out of curiosity. He intends to create a bit of a hybrid soundtrack (if you will) as the audio track of the Thakral/China Star is a bit muffled/distorted in spots. So possibly finding the LD audio was my idea, at least to see if it rectifies some of the problems.

Yes, I imagine it would be. Though I think the R3 release was the US cut? Albeit with the abridged Cantonese soundtrack.

A fan project has been long overdue. It looks like he's making some solid progress on it.
There was a Thai DVD with a 5.1 DTS soundtrack, but sadly it was the mandarin dub.

I had a VHS brought from China Town (UK) and man was the Hi-Fi track loud, Ill try and locate it as a capture may help your friends project.
I've got Japanese Laserdisc that's listed as uncut. I could capture it bit-perfect.

Do you know what other materials your friend is using?
It might be worth inviting him to this thread.
Thank you both! If it's not too much trouble, that would be great. If there's anything I can do in return (I have mostly DVDs and blu-rays though), let me know!
I'll contact him and let him know.
(2018-03-18, 09:24 PM)CSchmidlapp Wrote: Do you know what other materials your friend is using?
It might be worth inviting him to this thread.
Just a bump in response to your question (my apologies, as I seem to have missed it!).

Video, Warner HD blu-ray print, and cut material added back in from the Thakral DVD (as it's at least less cropped than the Japanese release). The Thakral video has been colour corrected to match the HD print. Audio so far is something of a hybrid containing elements of the Hong Kong and International cuts. I do really enjoy how it came out, but I'd like to see the original soundtrack added as an option (hence the desire to add the LD track). 
Subtitles are based on the theatrical subs (as per the Funny Taiwan DVD release), and modified where possible, based on the few subtitles included in the New Line edit.

Hope that helps.

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