Would anyone happen to have a capture of the sync sound Cantonese track from either the HK or Japanese laserdisc? Also the 5.1. sync sound track from the HK R3 Warner DVD? I know a guy who is working on a fan edit of the film (not sure if he's registered on the board). and he's curious to see how those respective audio tracks sound?
(This post was last modified: 2018-04-05, 02:51 PM by Serums.)
Would anyone happen to have a capture of the sync sound Cantonese track from either the HK or Japanese laserdisc? Also the 5.1. sync sound track from the HK R3 Warner DVD? I know a guy who is working on a fan edit of the film (not sure if he's registered on the board). and he's curious to see how those respective audio tracks sound?