It came to my attention a list of fan edits and other projects; I present them here in a single thread, as they are not generally easily found on other fan edit websites. I have not watched them, but they seem interesting enough to be presented here; few info present here are gathered on the web; if you have more info on any of these, please leave a comment. Also, if you are aware of some other obscure fan edits, preservation or restoration projects, just post them here.
[Fan edit] EVIL DEAD: The Ultimate-Cut [03:55:00]
A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Vs. Jason [Extended]
I used the original Bluray source, and reinserted the Deleted footage from the Bluray special features also taking Alternate shot (Jason Goes To Hell) making it the longest Running Time.
All 21 deleted scenes (besides #3) have been re-inserted
Child's Play 3 [Extended Recut] HD
Alternate Intro+Deleted Scenes Reinserted
Back to The Future, Timeline Edition
Blu-ray, 5Hrs 30Min
The Cable Guy [Extended Script Edition]
Reinserted 23 mins of Deleted scenes from a recalled import Bluray Edition.
1. Robin turn's Steven down.
2. Chip & Robin's lunch.
3. Sam Sweet [Hardcopy Footage]
4. Dinner Extended.
5. Steven & Robin after dinner.
6. The Terminator.
7. My three sons.
8. Nightmare Extended.
9. Violent Extended Ending.
Running Time - 01:54:45
Original Time - 01:35:45
[Fan Edit] The Game of Death [Extended Cut]
Full Intro Fight W/ Chuck Norris was added
Two Fights were added to extended the Tower Fights (The True Game of Death)
Complete 40 Min Ending Footage was reinserted
Running Time 02:22:00 (No Intro/Credits)
The Monster Squad [Extended Cut]
I have reinserted all the Deleted Scenes (20th Anniversary Edition) 13 cut scenes and 2 were not used, this is the longest and best version available. I made it into Fullscreen Letterbox [sic] and all Cut Scenes were matched best as possible.
Scarface Extended Edition [Deleted Scenes/TV Composite]
I used the original DVD source, and reinserted the Deleted fdootage from the Bluray special features also taking Alternate & Deleted Shots (History Channel) making it the longest Running Time.
Home Alone - Extended Edition
[Fan edit] Grizzly 2 The Predator WORKPRINT [Recut]
From this page:;_1983)
This fan edit *supposedly* adds footage from movies like Grizzly, Claws, and Day of the Animals over the blank film.
[Fan edit] EVIL DEAD: The Ultimate-Cut [03:55:00]
A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Vs. Jason [Extended]
I used the original Bluray source, and reinserted the Deleted footage from the Bluray special features also taking Alternate shot (Jason Goes To Hell) making it the longest Running Time.
All 21 deleted scenes (besides #3) have been re-inserted
Child's Play 3 [Extended Recut] HD
Alternate Intro+Deleted Scenes Reinserted
Back to The Future, Timeline Edition
Blu-ray, 5Hrs 30Min
The Cable Guy [Extended Script Edition]
Reinserted 23 mins of Deleted scenes from a recalled import Bluray Edition.
1. Robin turn's Steven down.
2. Chip & Robin's lunch.
3. Sam Sweet [Hardcopy Footage]
4. Dinner Extended.
5. Steven & Robin after dinner.
6. The Terminator.
7. My three sons.
8. Nightmare Extended.
9. Violent Extended Ending.
Running Time - 01:54:45
Original Time - 01:35:45
[Fan Edit] The Game of Death [Extended Cut]
Full Intro Fight W/ Chuck Norris was added
Two Fights were added to extended the Tower Fights (The True Game of Death)
Complete 40 Min Ending Footage was reinserted
Running Time 02:22:00 (No Intro/Credits)
The Monster Squad [Extended Cut]
I have reinserted all the Deleted Scenes (20th Anniversary Edition) 13 cut scenes and 2 were not used, this is the longest and best version available. I made it into Fullscreen Letterbox [sic] and all Cut Scenes were matched best as possible.
Scarface Extended Edition [Deleted Scenes/TV Composite]
I used the original DVD source, and reinserted the Deleted fdootage from the Bluray special features also taking Alternate & Deleted Shots (History Channel) making it the longest Running Time.
Home Alone - Extended Edition
[Fan edit] Grizzly 2 The Predator WORKPRINT [Recut]
From this page:;_1983)
This fan edit *supposedly* adds footage from movies like Grizzly, Claws, and Day of the Animals over the blank film.