I'm so glad that Grahn made the remarks that he did about color timing versus colour grading. It's just a US/UK difference in terminology, and I find the attempt to make a hair-splitting distinction between them to be rather annoying.
EDIT: What he said about color wheels strikes a chord too. I've always felt that they offer too much freedom, and I don't like using them.
Grahn comes across as a very down-to-earth guy, someone who'd be great to have a drink with and who would probably be sympathetic to many of the things that we take issue with about modern transfers.
(This post was last modified: 2018-05-29, 08:49 PM by Chewtobacca.)
Have you tried a different browser? If not you should be able to download the file to listen offline.
That was a wonderful listen. Makes you wish you could indeed have a long conversation with him about how the workflow is supposed to serve the story and not harm it.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
Forgot to add my thanks. It was a great podcast with a really cool expert.
I also liked the criticism of the color wheels but even more I liked his discussion of timing the WB so that the color is consistent as possible as the feature gets printed closer to the release print.
(Side note: I'm probably the only one here that this happened to but when I first saw his name, I saw Dave Gahan and thought of Depeche Mode, lol)
Nope. You're not the only one.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader