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5 Replies, 2623 Views

Hello everyone, so pleased i found this forum.

I'm a massive 35mm film fan & so miss seeing 35mm presentations at the cinema. I was a trainee projectionist back in the day & loving the restoration projects you guys are working on here.

I actually feel safe to say here the sight of a cue dot at the 20 minute mark gives me goosebumps. Can't say that anywhere else, miss them so much.  Smile

There's a few 35mm film scans knocking around on the net which i'd love to get hold of, presume i post in the request section for that & I'm certainly up for donating & being involved with new projects for sure.

Long live 35mm!

Great to meet you all. 

Happy you have found our forum; you will find a great community here - don't worry to talk about goosebumps about cue dots or such! Wink

Welcome aboard!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
Hello and well come!
Welcome good sir.
Welcome. Nice to have you here.
On behalf of the community,

"Welcome to fanres!" Wink

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