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Where have you been all my life?

3 Replies, 2216 Views

Hi everyone!! I stumbled across this amazing forum randomly while researching material for my own little projects. I'm beyond amazed, I never thought I could find such a place.

I'm italian and I have quite a digital collection that I keep expanding daily, but most of the time I have to make adjustments to the material I find (audio and video cropping, sync problems, bad video versions and so on...).

I also often find myself having to work on the italian audio sync of my material since the italian releases usually have bad video sources (I keep every movie with double audio and subtitles - ITA,ENG - even though I only watch with the original audio, but I'm not the only one enjoying the content Big Grin ).

Lately I have been fooling around with the Open Matte copies of various movies that I discovered online, and I guess that's how I actually found this place.

If I may, I could actually use a little help via PM regarding the magical places where to find all of your amazing projects, since I read in various topics the words "released!" or "in the vault", not understanding the actual meaning Big Grin

Thanks! I can't wait to roam around the forums to discover your amazing work and interacting with you all!

P.S. I read that the forum admin is italian, so, I guess that's a plus? Big Grin
Am I alone here? Big Grin
Welcome aboard, and not, you are not alone! Smile

You got a p.m.!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
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Welcome aboard

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