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48 Replies, 11373 Views

I have finally joined the ranks of video capturers with a Blackmagic Intensity Pro card! I just captured my first LD to HuffyYUV 4:2:2 in 2 parts. Now my question is, whats the best way to losslessly combine the 2 parts into 1, then get ready for x264 encoding (de-interlacing, cropping, etc)?


Thanks a bunch to everyone for the help! Here's the final details for future use:

- LD Video -> Blackmagic Intensity Pro -> VirtualDub 2
- Set Video>Compression to HuffyUV, and Video>Set Custom Format... to UYVY (4:2:2 color) and Capture
- Download TIVTC plugin for AVS

Create AVS script:

LoadPlugin("TIVTC.dll")#put the plugin in the same directory as your script

\.ConvertToYV12() #if you are going to 4:2:0 color
\.Trim(17, 81430)

\.ConvertToYV12() #if you are going to 4:2:0 color
\.Trim(73, 34696)

side1 ++ side2

- Render audio via VirtualDub (open same AVS script, then File, Save Audio...)
- Render video with SimpleX264
- Remux!
(This post was last modified: 2020-03-04, 07:41 PM by bronan.)
Import the video into NLE of choice and there you can join the file and export a master file for further working, if you need to use an external application.
(2020-03-03, 04:15 PM)bendermac Wrote: @bronan
Import the video into NLE of choice and there you can join the file and export a master file for further working, if you need to use an external application.

Cool, any good/free solutions I should look into?
You can do it all in AviSynth
As you are going to IVTC, crop, etc, anyway, I'd write an AviSynth script in which both sides are processed and spliced together, and then feed it to x264.

EDIT: Ha! Zoidberg was quicker on the draw. Smile
(This post was last modified: 2020-03-03, 05:06 PM by Chewtobacca.)
Oh cool, had no idea I could combine clips in AviSynth. Alright I will start researching! Do you have any useful scripts I should look at for guidance on the IVTC and such?
(This post was last modified: 2020-03-03, 05:08 PM by bronan.)
I always do this:
Source: http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Pulldown

But you sometimes need to cut away individual frames to set the "rhythm" straight before you run this.
(2020-03-03, 05:05 PM)Chewtobacca Wrote: I'd write an AviSynth script in which both sides are processed and spliced together

I'd IVTC each single side (and also crop, as sometimes black borders are different between sides, even if by few pixels), and then finally join them.
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
That's what I said, you old cat. Big Grin

EDIT:  Bronan, you might need to do a manual IVTC,as Tom suggested, but the automated approaches usually work fairly well.  Try TIVTC first.

Your script should look something like this:

LoadPlugin("TIVTC.dll")#put the plugin in the same directory as your script

\.Crop()#add the appropriate values

\.Crop()#add the appropriate values

side1 ++ side2
(This post was last modified: 2020-03-03, 06:09 PM by Chewtobacca.)
(2020-03-03, 05:44 PM)Chewtobacca Wrote: That's what I said, you old cat. Big Grin

EDIT:  Bronan, you might need to do a manual IVTC,as Tom suggested, but the automated approaches usually work fairly well.  Try TIVTC first.

Your script should look something like this:

Thanks Chewie! Unfortunately I get an error: "TFM: YV12 and YUY2 data only!"

Does this mean I need to do a color conversion first?

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