Saw this on Facebook:
I'm involved in a run of fully assembled and flashed Domesday86 Duplicator kits: these can be used to directly digitize your LaserDisc media and even VHS tapes! You can find more information about how it works and what it is at
We've a large number of slots open, so we're hoping to be able to meet the demands of the community for not only kits, but also completely assembled, individual parts such as the LD-V4x00 calibration board, and DomesDay86 duplicator board.
Let me note that I'm open to having conversations on a individual basis for larger or special projects if other considerations need to be made: please contact me as opposed to staying silent!
Price List
$400 = 1x Fully assembled and programmed DomesDay86 kit (assembled and soldered DdD board, FX3, DE0 FPGA, and LD-V4x00 calibration board)
$267 = 1x Fully soldered DomesDay86 duplicator board.
$130 = 1x Calibration board
Please note the following:
- We will ship anywhere locally or internationally (from the Pacific Coast of the US).
- Prices do not include shipping (we'll request a second payment for shipping and materials once the package is ready to be sent to you).
- While we're trying to take weeks at most, please plan around not receiving a unit for several months.
-- Why such a long lead time?
We're setting expectations to give buffer time to the fine chap soldering and assembling all this so they don't burn out, stress out, or have a passion and hobby meant to help the community, turn into a chore. This is also meant to plan around further stoppages or slow downs in shipping from China due to the Coronavirus.
Please message me if you're Interested!
PS This run has the blessing of Simon Inns (though he is not responsible for it nor involved in any way) who is the creator and primary developer of the DomesDay86 project. He also noted that "for a full stack of boards ready-to-roll; it's a very reasonable price imho" See attached screenshot for further confirmation.
I'm involved in a run of fully assembled and flashed Domesday86 Duplicator kits: these can be used to directly digitize your LaserDisc media and even VHS tapes! You can find more information about how it works and what it is at
We've a large number of slots open, so we're hoping to be able to meet the demands of the community for not only kits, but also completely assembled, individual parts such as the LD-V4x00 calibration board, and DomesDay86 duplicator board.
Let me note that I'm open to having conversations on a individual basis for larger or special projects if other considerations need to be made: please contact me as opposed to staying silent!
Price List
$400 = 1x Fully assembled and programmed DomesDay86 kit (assembled and soldered DdD board, FX3, DE0 FPGA, and LD-V4x00 calibration board)
$267 = 1x Fully soldered DomesDay86 duplicator board.
$130 = 1x Calibration board
Please note the following:
- We will ship anywhere locally or internationally (from the Pacific Coast of the US).
- Prices do not include shipping (we'll request a second payment for shipping and materials once the package is ready to be sent to you).
- While we're trying to take weeks at most, please plan around not receiving a unit for several months.
-- Why such a long lead time?
We're setting expectations to give buffer time to the fine chap soldering and assembling all this so they don't burn out, stress out, or have a passion and hobby meant to help the community, turn into a chore. This is also meant to plan around further stoppages or slow downs in shipping from China due to the Coronavirus.
Please message me if you're Interested!
PS This run has the blessing of Simon Inns (though he is not responsible for it nor involved in any way) who is the creator and primary developer of the DomesDay86 project. He also noted that "for a full stack of boards ready-to-roll; it's a very reasonable price imho" See attached screenshot for further confirmation.