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our member's blogs/sites

4 Replies, 2349 Views

I want to compile a list of blogs and sites, movie related, written by our own members.


Probably no non-Italian speaker could be interested, but I want to note that this blog is simply superb!

Thanks Evit for your amusing job!


After screenshotcomparison.com is dead, this is the only reliable site where to post our screenshots!

You save us all, Williarob!


A blog about difference in sounds of movies released in blu-ray.

Great insights, Moshrom!

Pretty sure there are more, so let's post them - I'll update the first post with new entries!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
My James Bond Blog Site:


And Star Wars, though I haven't added anything to it lately:

My youtube channel with film and media discussion, Laserdisc talk and livestreams:
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
(2020-04-01, 05:49 PM)williarob Wrote: And Star Wars, though I haven't added anything to it lately:


This is amazing! I've had that website bookmarked for quite some time now to check on the 4Kxx releases.
On Facebook and Twitter I have a page called Rob's media vault

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