I'm trying to assemble a preservation of NEAR DARK from the best available elements, but have found that the best is not really good enough as far as what I've got already, despite me owning 4 copies of this film: 3 Blu-ray Disc releases and 1 double-disc PAL DVD from Anchor Bay.
The trouble is, the audio on all of these is screwed up in different ways...
To verify this, by the way, I compared the film audio on each release to the soundtrack CD by Tangerine Dream, and the only one that matched was the old PAL DVD!
The trouble is, the audio on all of these is screwed up in different ways...
- The DVD actually hasn't been pitch shifted by PAL speedup, Anchor Bay seems to have done a decent job of that, but the trouble is I'd need to stretch it back to 23.967 fps. I tried doing so in Audacity (Change Tempo -4.096%) and it sounded like absolute crap, with that metallic clangy quality that often comes with slowing down audio or modifying it in similar ways. Being a DVD source, it's only available in AC3.
- The UK Blu-ray Disc (presumably identical to the US one, though I'm not certain), the Spanish BD, and the French BD, all do have "PAL" pitch-shifted audio for some stupid reason, despite having 23.976 fps playback and no speedup. I can only assume that this is the result of some incredibly idiotic NTSC -> PAL -> NTSC conversion over time, but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I found the exact same issue with a much more recent release of a much newer film (German copy of Snowpiercer) so it's not just bad archival that seems to be causing distributors to do this. In any case, to fix this, I'd need to pitch-shift the audio back down again by some undetermined value (somewhere roughly close to a semitone, but not precisely) but that would introduce yet another conversion to the chain that would degrade the audio even further than it is already, making the LPCM/DTS-HD encodes available here less useful than they otherwise might have been.
- The LaserDisc audio, which appears to have been digital so should be possible to obtain a direct LPCM rip of without quality loss (presumably not readily available)
- The NTSC DVD audio, ideally from the equivalent Anchor Bay release (which includes a director commentary track), so that I can substitite out my PAL audio
- Any other BD audio, specifically from the US BD, to see if it has the same pitch-shift problem as my PAL-region copies. It has occurred to me that this might have been an intentional effect for the European market, anticipating that we would expect to hear the higher pitched audio because of PAL speedup previously affecting VHS and DVD releases here, but they screwed that one up considering the Anchor Bay PAL DVDs didn't have that pitch shift in the first place!
To verify this, by the way, I compared the film audio on each release to the soundtrack CD by Tangerine Dream, and the only one that matched was the old PAL DVD!