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How to join 2 AC3 / DTS tracks ?

13 Replies, 2805 Views

Hi, I would just join 2 AC3 or DTS tracks together. Obviously, the bitrate and the number of channels are identical Smile

Can I do it with MKVtoolnix?
(2020-06-26, 04:46 PM)Falcon Wrote: Hi, I would just join 2 AC3 or DTS tracks together. Obviously, the bitrate and the number of channels are identical Smile

Can I do it with MKVtoolnix?

I've never done it that way but I'd guess you probably can. However, you can definitely do it in either eac3to or using simple file concatination in your OS (so on Linux that'd usually be "concat", on Windows it's "copy /b").


eac3to "part1.ac3"+"part2.ac3"+"part3.ac3" outputfile.ac3


copy /b "part1.ac3"+"part2.ac3"+"part3.ac3" outputfile.ac3

In my experience, there is no difference whatsoever between these methods so it appears eac3to is just concatinating exactly as Windows does (the files I've tested are bit-matched if I do both methods and compare them).
delaycut can do it I think but yeah I also heard of the method to just copy them together directly bit by bit.
(2020-06-26, 08:23 PM)TomArrow Wrote: delaycut can do it I think but yeah I also heard of the method to just copy them together directly bit by bit.

Aye, that too!

I assume MKVToolNix does the exact same though because it can join MKVs via the mkvmerge component. If the two input files are .mkv or .mka containing matched encodes (AC3/DTS with same bitrate etc.) it possibly concatinates them inside the container so you could then demux it to get the joined .ac3/.dts file. But I'd be unlikely to do it that way considering I use eac3to already.
Thank you, I will try with your advice Smile
Maybe TSmuxeR could do it, too.
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This got me thinking and I'm pretty sure you can concatenate them using FFMPEG.
Has anyone tried playing the joined DTS/AC-3 audio tracks on an audio/video receiver. Do any of you have any concerns on how the switching of processors will effect the receiver or the speakers?
Yeah, I wouldn’t do it but that’s just me.

Not worried about the processors more than the speakers getting a pop or noise possibly damaging them.

I would convert the whole thing to pcm and then encode in dts ma.
(2021-05-30, 08:38 PM)PDB Wrote: Yeah, I wouldn’t do it but that’s just me.

Not worried about the processors more than the speakers getting a pop or noise possibly damaging them.

I would convert the whole thing to pcm and then encode in dts ma.

This is the way.

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