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In Search of 4:3 Versions

18 Replies, 5068 Views

So I like the idea of making extended composite versions of certain movies, using additional footage from TV versions, workprints, etc. The problem is this footage is nearly always 4:3 and I find a shift in aspect ratio and jump from low quality to HD to be too distracting. I've almost finished an edit of Mad Max 2 reincorporating the TV Version footage and it worked really well with a 4:3 DVD. 

So does anyone happen to have 4:3 SD releases of the following? 

Child's Play 2 - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?
Death Wish 2 - was released on a MGM DVD
Die Hard 2 - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?
Evil Dead 2 - was released on a UK DVD
Friday the 13th 4/5 - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?
Jason Goes to Hell - Japanese, UK and Australian DVDs were 4:3
Freddy's Dead - was released in Thailand
Warriors - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?

Hi, it looks like everything you are looking for is on myspleen.org
I have on DVD:
Evil Dead 2: US 4:3
Freddy's Dead: US 4:3 and German 4:3 (German DVD has an alternative Version https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=1301 ... but is in German, only)
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
(2020-07-15, 01:30 PM)maksnew Wrote: Hi, it looks like everything you are looking for is on myspleen.org

Unfortunately I am not on everyone's favourite organ and I don't think sign ups have been open for many years now.
(2020-07-15, 01:34 PM)MrBrown Wrote: I have on DVD:
Evil Dead 2: US 4:3
Freddy's Dead: US 4:3 and German 4:3 (German DVD has an alternative Version https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=1301 ... but is in German, only)

That's actually my plan with Freddy's dead, a hybrid between the DVD, TV, Workprint and German versions. I'm pretty sure the extra scenes in the German version are also in the TV version, so for those perhaps I'll use the German video and TV audio. 

So yes, if at some point you get the chance to upload either of the US discs that would be great - but these projects are quite a way off so don't prioritise them at all.
(2020-07-15, 01:13 PM)alleycat Wrote: So I like the idea of making extended composite versions of certain movies, using additional footage from TV versions, workprints, etc. The problem is this footage is nearly always 4:3 and I find a shift in aspect ratio and jump from low quality to HD to be too distracting. I've almost finished an edit of Mad Max 2 reincorporating the TV Version footage and it worked really well with a 4:3 DVD. 

So does anyone happen to have 4:3 SD releases of the following? 

Child's Play 2 - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?
Death Wish 2 - was released on a MGM DVD
Die Hard 2 - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?
Evil Dead 2 - was released on a UK DVD
Friday the 13th 4/5 - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?
Jason Goes to Hell - Japanese, UK and Australian DVDs were 4:3
Freddy's Dead - was released in Thailand
Warriors - doesn't appear to have been released on DVD but maybe there was a foreign release or a VHS rip?


I have the Full Screen Open Matte Version of Death Wish 2, but id have to dig through my storage unit to find it
There's a 4X3 version of Terminator 2 floating around the web that has a slightly bigger AR (I think it's like 700-something X 500-something) but it's PAL format, and the daytime scenes (both indoor and outdoor) have a heavy purple-push to the color timing. Someone here is starting to fix the color timing of it (they posted screenshots) but they're still working on it.

I also still have my old snap-case DVD of Top Gun since I'm so used to seeing the wider AR version growing up. Makes the flight scenes so much better. The rest? Waaaay too much headroom lol.
(This post was last modified: 2020-07-15, 06:32 PM by Tylerdurden389.)
The first Anchor Bay DVD of ED2 had 16:9 and 4:3 on the same disc with some quite different framing between the 2 versions IIRC. I think I have the VHS.
WRT DH2 I capped my full-frame JPN LD for PDB's regrade project, obviously it has subtitles in picture throughout.
I may also have The Warriors PAL VHS somewhere
Is your Warriors Pal the one with the alternate songs in the soundmix?

I've been looking for a preserv of that one for a while. I had it but like an idiot I sold it (you have to understand, at the time, one wanted the film as shown in the theater, not doctored with some weird songs that never were there).
The first US DVD release of Freddy's Dead has 4:3 and widescreen versions, as pretty much all the original New Line Elm Street DVDs do.

There's a 4:3 MGM DVD of Death Wish III as well.

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