Hi,i am WATCHMEN-NEO and i am from China so forgive my bad english.
Well,to talk a little about myself,i like watching movies,i've had my days of collecting dvds mostly for the pretty&creative cover design and bonus discs,since most blurays are cheap-looking blue boxes i quit this hobby many years ago. I am not a hard core cinephile since i only found out the concept of “Open Matte”some days ago wicth made me very excited,it was like finding a new treatureland.
I found this forum in the process of finding more info about OM films and i feel this is a wonderful place to learn and communicate,and i am very glad to stay and become a mumber of this community. I dont know much about technical detail but if anyone need my help for a project i will be happy to provide.
Anyway nice meeting you all.
Well,to talk a little about myself,i like watching movies,i've had my days of collecting dvds mostly for the pretty&creative cover design and bonus discs,since most blurays are cheap-looking blue boxes i quit this hobby many years ago. I am not a hard core cinephile since i only found out the concept of “Open Matte”some days ago wicth made me very excited,it was like finding a new treatureland.
I found this forum in the process of finding more info about OM films and i feel this is a wonderful place to learn and communicate,and i am very glad to stay and become a mumber of this community. I dont know much about technical detail but if anyone need my help for a project i will be happy to provide.
Anyway nice meeting you all.