I checked if this thread already existed and I didn't find it. If it actually exist, I apology.
It would be great to recut the 2019 new master of The Shining (used for the last UHD by Warner) in order to match the shorter european cut. Unfortunately Warner didn't include this cut in the last UHD. Even in the UK, the blu-ray of this shorter cut disc included in the UHD didn't use the new remaster?
I'm conscious it is a bit odd to ask "do something please" but I have absolutely no knowledge to do it myself.
It would be great to recut the 2019 new master of The Shining (used for the last UHD by Warner) in order to match the shorter european cut. Unfortunately Warner didn't include this cut in the last UHD. Even in the UK, the blu-ray of this shorter cut disc included in the UHD didn't use the new remaster?
I'm conscious it is a bit odd to ask "do something please" but I have absolutely no knowledge to do it myself.