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Hi all! (w/My PC specs)

2 Replies, 691 Views

Hi all!

Joined just now, very fascinating forum, I wish I discovered it earlier. I just wanted to let you all know that I have a pretty good RTX 3070 and 32gb RAM. I also have topaz video enhancer installed. If anyone needs any files to be upscaled, you can reach out to me, I will try to do the best I can with the resources I currently have. 

Also, I have been trying to download a few of the files but it seems like most of them are uploaded on Blutopia where I don't have a membership and it doesn't look like open signups are gonna be a thing anytime soon. If anyone has any leads on how else I can access these wonderful restorations and regrade projects, please let me know. 

Thanks guys and girls, 
See you around!
Stay safe!!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
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