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Question about max res size for MKV and

3 Replies, 806 Views

I'm finally finished my open matte composite project for Mortal Kombat (1995) see project thread here:

I have my massive raw prores quicktime and as I prepare for the final encoding portion I have a few questions and would appreciate any insight:

1.  I was thinking I would author the final file as a mkv with multiple audio tracks. Is there a limit on the resolution size for mkvx? I tried a small test in handbrake but could not make the resolution match my raw source which is 1915x1383

2. What is the best way to mux in multiple audio tracks? Can this be done in Handbrake or should I be using something else? Also to that end; how to I include 5.1 surround sound along with standard 2.0 audio options?

right now I have the following audio sources I could collect:

English 5.1ch AC-3
French 5.1ch AC-3
Spanish 2.0ch Dolby Digital Audio @ 192 kbps
Sorry, but I have to ask: how is it possible your frame size has not one, but both odd values?
Aside, even if they would be odd, the frame would be scaled down anyway, lowering the quality.

If you want to retain the aspect ratio of 1.38, set the vertical value of your source (1080 is the best in this case) and scale accordingly the horizontal value (1080 x 1.3846... = 1496, that is mod4)

To mux audio tracks, use MKVtoolnixGUI

Hope this helps!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
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ah right MKVtoolnixGUI thanks for that forgot thats the way!
(This post was last modified: 2021-06-28, 05:54 AM by CORTICALSYSTEMS.)
(2021-06-27, 06:13 AM)CORTICALSYSTEMS Wrote: 1.  I was thinking I would author the final file as a mkv with multiple audio tracks. Is there a limit on the resolution size for mkvx? I tried a small test in handbrake but could not make the resolution match my raw source which is 1915x1383

The reason Handbrake failed is because the resolution you chose is too odd for the encoder itself (most likely x264).
MKV is just a container. It doesn't really care about the resolution.

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