I have been collecting a variety of materials and plan on creating a working print of sorts to nail the original tone of the film pre-accident (including the logo).
All re-shot *or one that I am 100% sure are reshot* will be removed and replaced with storyboards and text dialogue with music similar to this:
I have most of the storyboards of unfished scenes (will be coloring them) and 3 different workprints and behind the scenes videos that I plan to use in this edit as well as a script latest revision was 1/30/93)
I am just debating if I should use the DVD as a base (need to buy if the case though I have the UK dvd) or use the bluray. The file will be SD since some of the workprints are rough.
The only post-accident assets I plan to keep will be the film being in memory of Brandon and the score (which appears to be mostly completed after the film was picked up by Miramax
#1: Eric's resurrection preview - https://streamable.com/v9lx7e