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Jurassic World

24 Replies, 19102 Views

All I can say is ..................................

F%$k YEAH!!!!

That is all.

(2015-06-15, 09:24 PM)Jetrell Fo Wrote: All I can say is ..................................

F%$k YEAH!!!!

That is all.


Have you seen it?  Is it any good?
My comment is in referrence to me seeing it, so yes, I did.

Oh god, seeing JW a couple of days ago... some scenes were so grotesque. The ending is almost ridiculous. It's like a huge fan-film put together by a crew of young boys.
What do you liked in this movie?
I liked Mad Max and San Andreas more than this.

This film took itself way too seriously.
What I liked about Jurassic World was that it was a theme park of a movie about a theme park with Dinosaurs. It's a popcorn flick for the summer and a damn good one at that. Going to the movies is supposed to be fun ..... and this movie was fun. The kids are loving it and that is exactly where they aimed it.

I just happened to be an older kid.

Well, with the mixed bag of opinions, I have decided to go see this myself. Hoping that the $15 will be worth itWink
15US$?!? Are you crazy? If I *must* see it, I'll go on Tuesday, 2D costs 4€, 3D 5€... about 5US$ and 6US$... we are poor, in this country! Wink
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
(2015-06-19, 01:07 AM)spoRv Wrote: 15US$?!? Are you crazy? If I *must* see it, I'll go on Tuesday, 2D costs 4€, 3D 5€... about 5US$ and 6US$... we are poor, in this country! Wink

I had to pay $17.50 to see the movie at my local theater, and they expected $15 for popcorn and a drink! It's ridiculous, I know, but somehow people still go to the movies regularly. (I usually just wait until they come on Blu-ray.)

As far as the movie itself... It was pretty good. A sequel will never beat the original Jurassic park, but this one is way better than the second and third movie.
I can't say it's a bad movie, but ... don't know... to me, it lacked the "WOW" factor - maybe because all these dinosaurs were... expected, somehow... I mean, the Spino was way better (IMHO) (WOW-wise) than the latest bad boy... I liked the Mosasaurus, though!

What I've liked not so much is the Indian Tony Stark lookalike, and the lack of more characters from previous films.
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog

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