This forum was born almost six months ago... at the beginning, we were only a "dirty dozen"
but now, slowly, we are grown to more than 250 members - we were more than 300, but a lot of spammers were banned lately, thanks Feallan!
Few weeks after we started, the site was around 21,000,000 in the Alexa rank, and now we are around 3,800,000 - not bad for a niche community like this!
Even if not all members post regularly - actually, we have a lot of lurkers, but I think it's normal for every forum - the regular users base is slowly growing, and threads numbers is growing faster.
We have some interesting features here, but not many use them... polls help to get an opinion; the Thanks button is a simple way to... well, say thanks to a member for his/her post; the Like button is not like fb, but it increases the member reputation; threads have rating, so you can "vote" it with stars, and that will help other people to know which threads are the most interesting... I invite everyone to use these features, it's an easy way to help others.
I'm happy Google (and other search engines like Bing, Yandex and Baidu) is indexing our forum often, and that new threads/post are available few hours later after their creation, but I'm a bit concerned about the fact it's able to read even the first post, while it's not visible to not registered visitors... but I'm glad the safe places are still safe!
At the end, I'm very happy to have set this little place for all of us, to exchange ideas, feedbacks, and have some fun together; it seems it's working pretty well - apart occasional downtime periods, "thanks" to the hosting provider...
EDIT: forgot to mention that we also have respectable numbers about replies, threads and posts, and visited page numbers, in comparison for example to OT - which is, in a way, our "big brother" site (or father?) - and that means the interest is growing, slowly but constantly!
So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish!

Few weeks after we started, the site was around 21,000,000 in the Alexa rank, and now we are around 3,800,000 - not bad for a niche community like this!
Even if not all members post regularly - actually, we have a lot of lurkers, but I think it's normal for every forum - the regular users base is slowly growing, and threads numbers is growing faster.
We have some interesting features here, but not many use them... polls help to get an opinion; the Thanks button is a simple way to... well, say thanks to a member for his/her post; the Like button is not like fb, but it increases the member reputation; threads have rating, so you can "vote" it with stars, and that will help other people to know which threads are the most interesting... I invite everyone to use these features, it's an easy way to help others.
I'm happy Google (and other search engines like Bing, Yandex and Baidu) is indexing our forum often, and that new threads/post are available few hours later after their creation, but I'm a bit concerned about the fact it's able to read even the first post, while it's not visible to not registered visitors... but I'm glad the safe places are still safe!

At the end, I'm very happy to have set this little place for all of us, to exchange ideas, feedbacks, and have some fun together; it seems it's working pretty well - apart occasional downtime periods, "thanks" to the hosting provider...

EDIT: forgot to mention that we also have respectable numbers about replies, threads and posts, and visited page numbers, in comparison for example to OT - which is, in a way, our "big brother" site (or father?) - and that means the interest is growing, slowly but constantly!
So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish!