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Finally found the forumof my dreams !

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Hello everyone !

I am so excited to have found this place.
I have discovered the world of IMAX aspect ratio, and Open-Matte versions of films 3 years ago now ! Ever since then I have been obsessed with collecting some of my favourite film in their most extended formats !

This journey also lead me to discovering the importance of media preservation. I have always been obessesed with never deleting anything that could be of any importance to anyone out there in the world, just in case. I am now collecting masters of music videos, rare versions of films, YouTube videos that might be deleted later...

I even started trying to make my own "IMAX" version of a film !... Except it was The Dark Knight and people have already done that waaay before I even had the idea, but it was a fun few days of trying things out !

Anyway I hope I'm not boring anyone and I can't wait to see what this forum has to offer !!

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