The 2010 Indian action-drama "Enthiran" (Tamil for The Robot) is my FAVORITE movie of all time. It's an absolutely captivating 3 Hour masterpiece which has NEVER received a proper Tamil language release (the original language of the film). Despite numerous bootlegs and even a UK DVD, all versions of the film were plagued by SOME issue, including low resolution, bad translations (so many bad translations), uneven channel mixing, washed out colors, and the fact that the film isn't even available in the US. Despite my best efforts, I never managed to find an official English version in the US, so I made one myself.
This edit is the full, uncut 3 hour version (and an alternate 2H40M "Editor's Cut"), with a new English subtitle translation, remastered video based on the Hindi Blu-ray and the original 5.1 Tamil audio mix (down-sampled from a DCP Atmos track. I would've kept it untouched but I had to re-encode to maintain timing).
The video is done, I'm now working on timing the subtitles and finalizing the translation. Hope to make a Blu-ray but not sure what software to use that won't re-encode the video.
This edit is the full, uncut 3 hour version (and an alternate 2H40M "Editor's Cut"), with a new English subtitle translation, remastered video based on the Hindi Blu-ray and the original 5.1 Tamil audio mix (down-sampled from a DCP Atmos track. I would've kept it untouched but I had to re-encode to maintain timing).
The video is done, I'm now working on timing the subtitles and finalizing the translation. Hope to make a Blu-ray but not sure what software to use that won't re-encode the video.