Hi All, this tread is a work in progress and just mirrors the text off of the one on 'Original trilogy' at the moment.
Will work to tidy up and migrate / mirror the thread properly.
All The Best, look forward to moving forward with this
The Dark Knight Trilogy
Preserve the Theatrical presentations of The Nolan Batman Trilogy
All 3 films with 2:35:1 Aspect Ratio and the DTS Cinema Audio
mass5160 (Original Trilogy) - TDK HDTV Rip
Jetrell Fo - Cinema DTS
Hairy_Hen (Original Trilogy) - Cinema DTS
PDB - Research Material/Stills
![[Image: tdkr-trilogy.jpg]](http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/screencrush.com/442/files/2012/10/tdkr-trilogy.jpg)
The story so far......
Batman Begins
![[Image: 3121-batman-movie-wallpaperology121.jpg]](https://cartoonsarebetterthanreallife.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/3121-batman-movie-wallpaperology121.jpg)
Work to be done
Sync DTS Cinema Audio
Blu-ray U.K Edition (Pending via Me)
DTS Cinema Audio (Pending via Jetrell Fo)
The Dark Knight
![[Image: darkknight_logo_sm.jpg]](http://images.comicbookresources.com/reel/darkknight_logo_sm.jpg)
Work to be done
Crop IMAX Sequences to 2:35:1 using DVD/HDTV Rip as Reference and edit in Alt Shots.
Sync DTS Cinema Audio
Blu-ray U.K Edition (Acquired,Ripped)
HDTV Rip from iTV HD u.k premiere. (Acquired via Mass5160 ,Ripped)
DVD U.K (Pending via Me)
DTS Cinema Audio (Pending via Jetrell Fo)
The Dark Knight Rises
![[Image: The-Dark-Knight-Rises-Logo.jpg]](http://www.optionated.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/The-Dark-Knight-Rises-Logo.jpg)
Work to be done
Crop IMAX Sequences to 2:35:1 using DVD/iTunes Rip as Reference and edit in Alt Shots (If Any) .
Sync DTS Cinema Audio
Blu-ray U.K Edition (Pending via Me)
itunes rip @ 480p (Aquired, HELP NEEDED for 1080p version)
DTS Cinema Audio (Pending via Jetrell Fo)
Nothing Yet
(Updated when new information available for convenience)
Will update with progress.
Programmes and Materials Used :-
(Footage) ((Program))
(The Dark Knight U.K Blu ray, Disc 1)
((AnyDVDHD Blu ray Ripping))
(The Dark Knight iTV HDTV Rip)
((TMPGenc Master Works)) with ((UT codec)) installed.
((AVISynth)) and ((Text Editor)) for .avs creation.
((Adobe Premiere CS6 including Adobe Media Encoder))
Sub Project : The Dark Knight
Content Creation -
1920 x 1080
23.976 fps
48kHz 16bit stereo
directshowsource("(root) \HDTVRip\The Dark Knight.ts",audio=false)
Editing -
Fields : Progressive
FPS : 23.976
Codec :Intermediate codec used (UT Codec)
tereo 48kHz 16bit
NOTE: Im using 2 Channel audio for the proxy and adding 5.1 audio later.
Uploaded 2 screen shots IMAX vs 35mm
Uploaded 'Comparison Video' IMAX vs 35mm
uploaded 2 screen shots - 35mm vs 35mm
Uploaded 'Comparison Video' - 35mm vs 35mm
Quote added on OT from PDB
PDB said:
The Dark Knight's colors on BD is suppose to different from its theatrical run, quoting:
On the Dark Knight Blu-ray transfer, the biggest error – by far the biggest error – its producers committed was the complete change of the film's original color timing. The dark knight was not copied with an optical printer. The original material – I held it in my hands – it was gorgeous. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was… I fell flat off my chair. (Laughs) The colors are so different compared to those that appear in the Blu-ray transfer. I've seen the Blu-ray once, and I've never looked at it again.
Uploaded 'Comparison Video' - IMAX vs IMAX vs 35mm
Default Settings:
BlindDeHalo3( rx=3.0, ry=3.0, strength=125,
\ lodamp=0.0, hidamp=0.0, sharpness=0.0, tweaker=0.0,
\ PPmode=0, PPlimit=0, interlaced=false)
Uploaded first 15 mins of project with rough colour correction.
Screen Shots
IMAX vs 35mm
![[Image: 286zvrn.jpg]](http://i58.tinypic.com/286zvrn.jpg)
![[Image: 9vfkmd.jpg]](http://i59.tinypic.com/9vfkmd.jpg)
Comparison Video
35mm Vs 35mm
![[Image: 2hn3n9w.jpg]](http://i58.tinypic.com/2hn3n9w.jpg)
![[Image: 2vacdj9.jpg]](http://i57.tinypic.com/2vacdj9.jpg)
Comparison Video
PDB originally posted these on OT.
BB IMAX Preview/TDK IMAX Opening
![[Image: dk1.jpg]](https://s28.postimg.cc/3sgvico99/dk1.jpg)
Itunes Trailer/BD
![[Image: dr_4.jpg]](https://s15.postimg.cc/jrr5w2pej/dr_4.jpg)
![[Image: dr_3.jpg]](https://s18.postimg.cc/8ethauba1/dr_3.jpg)
35mm or 70mm
![[Image: imax_vs_35mm_comparison_img.jpg]](https://s15.postimg.cc/aiymwtc7v/imax_vs_35mm_comparison_img.jpg)
![[Image: il_570x_N_558243791_9rjr.jpg]](https://s16.postimg.cc/6bpuooch1/il_570x_N_558243791_9rjr.jpg)
![[Image: il_570x_N_583899101_cbqa.jpg]](https://s3.postimg.cc/ranyihlgj/il_570x_N_583899101_cbqa.jpg)
![[Image: 4646449627.jpg]](https://s15.postimg.cc/hxxm01tsr/4646449627.jpg)
![[Image: darkknight_imax_short_joker.jpg]](https://s16.postimg.cc/49yk1wt9h/darkknight_imax_short_joker.jpg)
Colour Correction Tests.
(This post was last modified: 2015-01-22, 04:52 AM by CSchmidlapp.)
Will work to tidy up and migrate / mirror the thread properly.
All The Best, look forward to moving forward with this

The Dark Knight Trilogy
Preserve the Theatrical presentations of The Nolan Batman Trilogy
All 3 films with 2:35:1 Aspect Ratio and the DTS Cinema Audio
mass5160 (Original Trilogy) - TDK HDTV Rip
Jetrell Fo - Cinema DTS
Hairy_Hen (Original Trilogy) - Cinema DTS
PDB - Research Material/Stills
![[Image: tdkr-trilogy.jpg]](http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/screencrush.com/442/files/2012/10/tdkr-trilogy.jpg)
The story so far......
Batman Begins
![[Image: 3121-batman-movie-wallpaperology121.jpg]](https://cartoonsarebetterthanreallife.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/3121-batman-movie-wallpaperology121.jpg)
Work to be done
Sync DTS Cinema Audio
Blu-ray U.K Edition (Pending via Me)
DTS Cinema Audio (Pending via Jetrell Fo)
The Dark Knight
![[Image: darkknight_logo_sm.jpg]](http://images.comicbookresources.com/reel/darkknight_logo_sm.jpg)
Work to be done
Crop IMAX Sequences to 2:35:1 using DVD/HDTV Rip as Reference and edit in Alt Shots.
Sync DTS Cinema Audio
Blu-ray U.K Edition (Acquired,Ripped)
HDTV Rip from iTV HD u.k premiere. (Acquired via Mass5160 ,Ripped)
DVD U.K (Pending via Me)
DTS Cinema Audio (Pending via Jetrell Fo)
The Dark Knight Rises
![[Image: The-Dark-Knight-Rises-Logo.jpg]](http://www.optionated.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/The-Dark-Knight-Rises-Logo.jpg)
Work to be done
Crop IMAX Sequences to 2:35:1 using DVD/iTunes Rip as Reference and edit in Alt Shots (If Any) .
Sync DTS Cinema Audio
Blu-ray U.K Edition (Pending via Me)
itunes rip @ 480p (Aquired, HELP NEEDED for 1080p version)
DTS Cinema Audio (Pending via Jetrell Fo)
Nothing Yet
(Updated when new information available for convenience)
Will update with progress.
Programmes and Materials Used :-
(Footage) ((Program))
(The Dark Knight U.K Blu ray, Disc 1)
((AnyDVDHD Blu ray Ripping))
(The Dark Knight iTV HDTV Rip)
((TMPGenc Master Works)) with ((UT codec)) installed.
((AVISynth)) and ((Text Editor)) for .avs creation.
((Adobe Premiere CS6 including Adobe Media Encoder))
Sub Project : The Dark Knight
- Received HDTV rip from mass5160. Legend.
Content Creation -
- Ripped Bluray (The Dark Knight Disc 1 & 2)
- Ripped The Dark Knight.ts (HDTV Version)
- Demuxed file ((eac3to)) (root) \BRRip\Disc1\BDMV\STREAM 0007.mts.
- Delete .vc1 file
- Copy demuxed files to correct folders for later (SUP (Subs),Chapter and Audio tracks in Final folders.
- ((TMPGenc)).
- Export to a intermediate codec((TMPGenc)).
1920 x 1080
23.976 fps
48kHz 16bit stereo
- Created .avs file ((Text Editor)) with settings -
directshowsource("(root) \HDTVRip\The Dark Knight.ts",audio=false)
- Load .avs file into Media Encoder ((TMPGenc)) adding deinterlace.
- Export in a intermediate codec (avi), No Audio.
Editing -
- Opened Editor ((Adobe Premiere CS6)) and created a Project with the following Sequence / Settings.
Fields : Progressive
FPS : 23.976
Codec :Intermediate codec used (UT Codec)

NOTE: Im using 2 Channel audio for the proxy and adding 5.1 audio later.
- Imported contents of my video renders folder (root) The Dark Knight\Video\Footage into Editor ((CS6)). And Placed TDK.bluray on Top and TDK.HDTV.23.976 on Bottom of the created sequence.
- Did comparisons between material.
- Saved the Project as (root) \The Dark Knight The Dark Knight.extension (.pproj)
Uploaded 2 screen shots IMAX vs 35mm
Uploaded 'Comparison Video' IMAX vs 35mm
uploaded 2 screen shots - 35mm vs 35mm
Uploaded 'Comparison Video' - 35mm vs 35mm
Quote added on OT from PDB
PDB said:
The Dark Knight's colors on BD is suppose to different from its theatrical run, quoting:
On the Dark Knight Blu-ray transfer, the biggest error – by far the biggest error – its producers committed was the complete change of the film's original color timing. The dark knight was not copied with an optical printer. The original material – I held it in my hands – it was gorgeous. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was… I fell flat off my chair. (Laughs) The colors are so different compared to those that appear in the Blu-ray transfer. I've seen the Blu-ray once, and I've never looked at it again.
Uploaded 'Comparison Video' - IMAX vs IMAX vs 35mm
- Ordered The Dark Knight Ultimate Boxset for Disc 6
- Rendered off new 1080p file from the BD this time using the AVISynth BlindDeHalo3 Script
Default Settings:
BlindDeHalo3( rx=3.0, ry=3.0, strength=125,
\ lodamp=0.0, hidamp=0.0, sharpness=0.0, tweaker=0.0,
\ PPmode=0, PPlimit=0, interlaced=false)
- Rendered off 1080p files of Promotional Material from Disc 2 of 'TDK' blu-ray for Colour Correction reference.
- Obtained and did Colour Correction Tests using RE:Match.
Uploaded first 15 mins of project with rough colour correction.
Screen Shots
IMAX vs 35mm
![[Image: 286zvrn.jpg]](http://i58.tinypic.com/286zvrn.jpg)
![[Image: 9vfkmd.jpg]](http://i59.tinypic.com/9vfkmd.jpg)
Comparison Video
35mm Vs 35mm
![[Image: 2hn3n9w.jpg]](http://i58.tinypic.com/2hn3n9w.jpg)
![[Image: 2vacdj9.jpg]](http://i57.tinypic.com/2vacdj9.jpg)
Comparison Video
PDB originally posted these on OT.
BB IMAX Preview/TDK IMAX Opening
![[Image: dk1.jpg]](https://s28.postimg.cc/3sgvico99/dk1.jpg)
Itunes Trailer/BD
![[Image: dr_4.jpg]](https://s15.postimg.cc/jrr5w2pej/dr_4.jpg)
![[Image: dr_3.jpg]](https://s18.postimg.cc/8ethauba1/dr_3.jpg)
35mm or 70mm
![[Image: imax_vs_35mm_comparison_img.jpg]](https://s15.postimg.cc/aiymwtc7v/imax_vs_35mm_comparison_img.jpg)
![[Image: il_570x_N_558243791_9rjr.jpg]](https://s16.postimg.cc/6bpuooch1/il_570x_N_558243791_9rjr.jpg)
![[Image: il_570x_N_583899101_cbqa.jpg]](https://s3.postimg.cc/ranyihlgj/il_570x_N_583899101_cbqa.jpg)
![[Image: 4646449627.jpg]](https://s15.postimg.cc/hxxm01tsr/4646449627.jpg)
![[Image: darkknight_imax_short_joker.jpg]](https://s16.postimg.cc/49yk1wt9h/darkknight_imax_short_joker.jpg)
Colour Correction Tests.