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Release and Delivery Formats

21 Replies, 19285 Views

Hi All.

Migrating a discussion started in 'The Dark Knight' thread.
Ive put it in editing and authoring section as I thought that was the best.

Original Posts from Thread:

When I am closer to completetion, it would be nice to go through Release / Delivery details with everyone.

One of the ideas thats been floating around my head over the past few years is......
To make available a .MKV of a project containing the Finished Video (probably Blu ray compatible) and Prefered Audio track (in this case it would be the synced cinema DTS).
Then seperate Subtitle and Audio Packs, containing various alternative foreign and domestic mixes / subs synced to your release.
It would end up kind of like a Vault, constantly updateable. Where people can download what they want for there own personal version and mux the final file themselfs.
The 'spoRv' vault!
Im unsure how difficult it would be to implement in real world, but I can dream for now Smile


Great idea! But think also that there are some (a lot of, actually) people that doesn't know how to mux video, audio, subs... maybe some different "ready to go" versions could be better... and my dream is to see this forum as a container, a vault, for ALL our releases, to be watched and also be used as base for different new projects!

Spread the word, let's everyone be aware the new forum is started!

Yes I think you are right.
It might help seperate what we do from just 'pirates' tho, in that you need a little understanding and technical skills to complete your personal version.
It would be fairly easy to do a mkvmerge tutorial for people not in the know, it becomes as easy as loading a couple of torrents.
Problem for me would be is I like menu's (lol), But find im watching all my content file based, and on my 'media centre' p.c.

Do you think Fan Preservations / Edits are going to get more and more exposure / mass appeal as time moves on?

As far as I know, fan edits - thanks in particular to Harmy's De-specialized Star Wars - are known enough in the aficionados circles; fan restorations are not, maybe because there are no famous examples as the former... but I hope it will change in time, as many once "underground" trends are now mainstream!

I suppose what I'm suggesting with 'The Vault' would take a lot of 'space' to implement fully.
It would mean a shared 'seed box' or huge 'online storage' account probably ran by admin.
Which means money! Probably through donations.

Would be grate tho, with great historical significance over time.
(This post was last modified: 2015-01-17, 10:35 PM by spoRv.)
I have an idea to keep some projects alive for a long time... each user should make a mega account, to have 50GB for free - it could contain two BD-25 or one BD-50 project; so, if we are, for example, 100 users, we could store 200 BD-25 projects, that is a good amount to me, and it will be free - even if with monthly limited bandwidth...

Any other ideas are more than welcome!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
Yes, its kind of how I have shared my stuff now. i have a 50GB account and I delete a project that had gone dead when I need to upload a new one. With the way its looking in the future I think im going to need a few free accounts Smile
The only thing to take in account is the fact that if the upload is interrupted for any cause, it should restart from the beginning, while it's not a problem for a torrent...
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
I normally compress my projects in winrar and split them into 500mb pieces, to try and combat this issue alittle.
Good point! IMHO, we all should set some standards for everything, something like project guidelines, that will not be mandatory, but just suggestions for everyone who will begin to make projects in the future...

Splitting files into chuncks could be one of them... but, better 500MB or 100MB? Which software to use to compress and divide? Are .rev files really useful using MEGA?
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
There are two different versions of delivery format I was thinking about trying.

1) A text file of some kind (.PDF?) containing a menu of links to various content in a project e.g -

(Project name)12000mbps.1080p.H264 - [link to content e.g Mega Link]
Information on the file e.g The file is Bluray compatable, 2:35:1, source ect

(Project name)DTSMasterAudio5.1 - [link to content]
Information on file e.g English, Cinema DTS ect

(Project name)TrueHD5.1 - [Link to content]
Information on file e.g English, Bluray

And so on with everything available for that release, the 'menu' could be added to as assets get finished and become available.

2) Premiere Project.

I may do this for 'The Dark Knight' project. It is a folder structure and Premiere Project that you just rip your Blu ray to a specific folder and follow the instructions to get you up and running.
This would be good in that it would be low bandwith, the persons downloading would have to own the blu ray, and it could be tweaked and rendered off to what ever there hearts desired.
it could also help spread the workload of a project as it could be reshared with new colour correction for example.
Multi-versions could be created and be very easily shared once up and running.
We could study about that; despite the fact the Premiere Project is interesting, not everyone has this program - AFAIK it's not free... - me included, so not everybody could make use of it.

My releases are BD compliant, just because is a widespread standard, and it's possible to burn the project into a disc and watch it "outside" the PC; this is because I like to put on them a menu, and, in case of an extra material disc, it will be very useful to have a menu...

Of course, everyone who prefers a single file, could extract the main .m2ts file and use it "as is", or remux it into an .mkv or other filetype, without re-encoding it.
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog
(2015-01-18, 03:42 PM)spoRv Wrote: Of course, everyone who prefers a single file, could extract the main .m2ts file and use it "as is", or remux it into an .mkv or other filetype, without re-encoding it.

This is exactly what I did with your projects I downloaded as I have no Blu-ray burner.
I did mount the .iso for a full experience on first viewing but added it to my Raspberry Pi media centre as .mkv later.

Blu ray is the definitive delivery for HD content, but creation is a different matter.
Im pretty good at DVD authoring, but blu ray seams to have some kind of secret sauce.
This seems to be because of Sony owning the format and only wanting the big boys to play.
This has put me off the format a little, and with the advent of the 4k variant around the corner it is set to carry on that way.
Im thinking 4k Blu-ray will probably be the last of the optical disc format before we switch to other means for delivery, what that will be I can only speculate. I hope it is not just 'cloud' based.
Considering that many of us, video enthusiasts, still watching VHS and Laserdisc, BD-based projects will stay with us for a long time!

I use MultiAVCHD to authour my BD - it's free, and after some time spent to learn how to use it, it's a good tool!
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
Fundamental Collection | Vimeo channel | My blog

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