Well, here I am, alive and kicking (well, more or less...
Saturday I was "forced" to go to see a movie, so this was the most voted, and I thought "Well, another superhero movie... why not? I'm pretty sure it will not be a masterpiece, but it could not be that bad, right?"
Actors are all... well, not the right one for each of their roles - apart, maybe, the government bad guy; CGI effects are sometimes really noticeable - I recall the ape, for example; story is quite boring, and I was waiting to see the top for a looong time, and it came and finished in few minutes, exagerating everything, following the latest superhero movies "style" (Big Hero 6 was waaay better in this)...
So, I think this is a very weak movie, and the old ones are really better in every aspect!
My 2c of course; waiting to know what do you think about this - but I'm pretty sure many (if not all) will agree with me...

Saturday I was "forced" to go to see a movie, so this was the most voted, and I thought "Well, another superhero movie... why not? I'm pretty sure it will not be a masterpiece, but it could not be that bad, right?"
Actors are all... well, not the right one for each of their roles - apart, maybe, the government bad guy; CGI effects are sometimes really noticeable - I recall the ape, for example; story is quite boring, and I was waiting to see the top for a looong time, and it came and finished in few minutes, exagerating everything, following the latest superhero movies "style" (Big Hero 6 was waaay better in this)...
So, I think this is a very weak movie, and the old ones are really better in every aspect!
My 2c of course; waiting to know what do you think about this - but I'm pretty sure many (if not all) will agree with me...