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Burn DVD with audio tracks.

31 Replies, 19195 Views

Hi perhaps this has been discussed but here it goes. I have an mkv file with multiple audio tracks I would like to burn to a DVD. I also wanna be able to customize my own chapters. So far Ive found two programs that were able to do this. DVDStyler and ConvertX. However, with both programs, the footage came out a bit 'boxier' than I wanted it. Its watchable but could arguably be better. My main DVD software is Nero but Nero can only burn one audio track. I also found a software called DVDFlick that can convert additional audio tracks but it wont let me customize my own chapters. Itll only set them for ever 5 mins., 10 mins., etc. I was considering using Sony Vegas/DVD Architect but heres the problem. 1. I need the Pro version if I wanna do multiple audio tracks 2. Pro version is very expensive 3. Pro version is for 64 bit computers. Mine is 32 bit. So does anybody have any other programs to recommend for doing this kinda stuff?? Thanx.
I have Sony Vegas working on a 32bit machine, but it's an older version. The last version that had 32bit support was version 11 and now they are on version 13. There are free trials of the older version still floating around that give you full access to the app for 14 days (or 30, I don't remember) If you are interested in finding that easily, I suggest sending me a PMWink

Now... on to answering your questions at handTongue

Before I start, let me just state off the top that this is only one method of achieving the result you desire, however there are numerous other ways and this is just what has worked for me (even though this is only one of many methods I use myself)

So, for starters, let's focus on all of the software that you need to get this done: (ALL apps listed are FREE)

So, there are a couple of ways you can demux your mkv file to extract all of the AUDIO streams ONLY. (we will address the video separately)

You can either use mkvcleaver or tsmuxer to do this. (EDIT: For MKVcleaver to work, you also need to pull down MKVToolnix)

Both apps are really easy to use; in either one all you need to do is put a check next to the audio streams only, select an output folder and then click demux and start.

So far, so good and pretty easyBig Grin

Next, for the conversion of the video stream, I suggest using Avidemux due to it's easy, user-friendly interface. There are numerous versions (although a new update was just released a few days ago that I haven't tested enough yet) and I have noticed that in some case the newer versions don't accept mkv file properly, hence why you might have to use an older version instead. Here I highly suggest version 2.5.6 for the "older" one (as the "backup" method in case the new version fails reading your file) The newest release is version 2.6.11

Once you have the app installed, open the folder that you have your mkv file in a drag it onto the avidemux window. This should start opening the file after it scans in the framecount (this only takes a couple of seconds to a minute depending on size of video stream and codec)

Now, assuming you are using the newer version, click on the audio menu ON TOP and select the "select track" option. UNCHECK ALL audio streams (we will deal with them in a moment) (if you are using the older version of avidemux, under the "audio" menu, there will be a "primary" and "secondary" option for the audio tracks and you can select the none option there)

Next, on the LEFT hand side, where it says "Video Output," "copy" will be selected by default. Click on that and change it to "Mpeg2" and then click on the the "configure" tab that will become available now.

The first tab here will be "basic settings" where you need to select the "Aspect ratio" of either 4:3 or 16:9 and then under the "encoding mode" selection, where "constant quantiser" is selected by default, change this to "Constant bitrate" OR "two pass - average bitrate" (on this one, people are split as to which one produces a "better" result and even I am on the fence with this one where I have used one or the other depending on the video being encoded, but I always start with "constant bitrate" FIRST and only use "two pass" if the result is poor)

Of course, I hear you asking, "Well what the hell is the right bitrate to enter?" and there is a very easy solution for this. Go here and use the bitrate calculator located towards the bottom of the page. It allows you enter the runtime, whether it's PAL or NTSC, how many audio streams you have AND their bitrates, the target source medium (in this case DVD5 or DVD9, depending on whether you have a single or dual layer disc) Under "rate control" select "force CBR" (constant bitrate) and on the right side, it will "magically" tell you what your target bitrate should be for that video stream. Now go back to avidemux and the settings tab you have open and enter that value for the bitrate. Then click "ok" and under it where it says "Output Format" on the left and you see "AVI Muxer" selected as default, click on this and change it to "Mpeg-TS Muxer." Then click on save in the "File" menu or the disc thingy on the left of the blue circle with an "i" in it. Wait for the video stream to render.

Next, you will need a way of authoring a proper DVD. Here, if you are not concerned about a menu (although one can be added but I prefer other software for menus) then what you are trying to do is very easy. You will need to download DVDAuthorGUI

Once you have the app installed, open it (duh, right? LOL) and click on the "add title" tab. Add your just rendered mpeg video stream. Next, on the right hand side (where the downwards black arrow is) of where it says "extras," click on the arrow and select "add additional audio track" and add ALL of the demuxed audio tracks that you had demuxed earlier.

Next, click on the "Chapters" tab, where you can MANUALLY enter ALL of your chapter marks WHEREVER you want them. MAKE SURE that you enter a 00:00:00.00 ( hh : mm : ss.ms) for the first chapterWink
This part can't be any easier.

Finally, on the right side, where it says "DVD format" select "NTSC" (which is default) or "PAL" and then click on "author DVD." It will prompt you with a window of where you wish the output folder to be and then it authors the disc.

Then, if you haven't already, download Imgburn and burn your DVDWink

Hope this helps and feel free to ask ANY questions if you need more helpSmile
(This post was last modified: 2016-02-05, 06:27 AM by jerryshadoe.)
Wow. Thats a mighty long list of instructions but you were very informative so thats gonna work out on my end hopefully haha. I'll look into that. If I have any questions I'll report back. Wink
Well, I figured that if I'm gonna answer your question, I might as well write a tutorial with links included to everything that's needed. I know it looks like a lot, but believe it or not, all of this will only take you a few minutes (plus the rendering time of your video, of course) and it's actually very simple once you have done it a couple of timesWink
Neither mkvcleaver or tsmuxer is working for me. When I use mkvcleaver I get 'Mkvextract.exe and/or Mkvmerge.exe was not found.
Make sure that the path to the files is correct.' When I use tsmuxer I get 'tsMuxeR not found!'. Sad Help!!!!
You have to install MKVToolnix for MKVcleaver to work.

And the Tsmuxer error is weird. How do you run it? If you just run tsMuxerGUI.exe there's no reason for it to not be found.
Sorry I didnt download MVKToolnix so let me do that and try again. The other program I opened through WinZip.
Downloaded MKVToolnix. MKVCleaver's working now. Smile
Currently saving the file through Avidemux. Just a quick question about the bitrate calculator so I know I did it right. The movie has a runtime of 1:47:03 so I put the time in the calculator as 107 minutes. The default setting on the calculator for the audio format is 1536 kb/s (DVD PCM) which I kept it at. Is that ok?? The only thing I did was put in the runtime, switch video format to NTSC, set Audio Streams to 2 streams since in the case of my file theres 2 audio streams, and switch rate control to Force CBR. Was there anything else I was supposed to do?? I just wanna be sure since I left the remaining settings as is.
(This post was last modified: 2016-02-05, 02:15 AM by crissrudd4554.)
Sorry, I totally forgot to mention MKVToolnix is needed to make MKVcleaver work.

As far as your settings are concerned...

Well, you would need to find out what bitrate your audio streams are at, otherwise the bitrate calculator will give you an incorrect video bitrate setting that is lower than what you could have used. Other than that, what you wrote appears to be correctWink

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