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Permission changes

4 Replies, 6159 Views

I got rid of the system that required a presentation post to get promoted to newbie. Now lurkers, newbies and registered users can post wherever they want.

There were also a couple of permission issues, e.g. lurkers couldn't access bonus projects category (why hasn't anyone said anything??). I fixed those.
Are you sure that's a good idea?

I was under the impression that the whole reason for the presentation post being required, was to avoid spammers.

Won't this re-introduce the same problem again? Eyedrop
I guess while we are talking about all this, do we still need to hide the first post to people who don't register. At this point I don't think it is doing much
(2016-02-21, 10:58 PM)jerryshadoe Wrote: Are you sure that's a good idea?

I was under the impression that the whole reason for the presentation post being required, was to avoid spammers.

Won't this re-introduce the same problem again? Eyedrop

Nah. The last time I banned a spammer was in like, August or September. We now have much better security questions, captcha, and a couple more antispam measures.

If spammers somehow appear now, I can always go back to the old system.

(2016-02-21, 11:07 PM)PDB Wrote: I guess while we are talking about all this, do we still need to hide the first post to people who don't register. At this point I don't it is doing much

What do you mean?
If your not a registered member of fanres and/or not logged in you can't see the first post of a thread. I believe spoRv did it that way to attract more users but I don't think it's needed anymore. Just my opinion, other might think different.
(This post was last modified: 2016-02-22, 04:06 AM by PDB.)

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