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Hello all, big James Bond fan from UK

3 Replies, 3075 Views

Hi to all,

Thanks for providing a great forum, I figured it was time to (finally) introduce myself. I have been learning about film soundtracks for the last couple of years and finding out that extra channels does not necessarily mean better sound quality. So I am discovering that I am something of a purist at heart. I have heard some uncompressed mono laserdisc soundtracks, and the remixed multi-channel ones simply do not compare.

In the long-term, I want to start creating remuxes of my own and sharing them with the forum. My priority would be remuxing the original mono and Dolby laserdisc soundtracks of the James Bond films (the ones that haven't already been captured) to the best available video source. This may take a while, but when I get into something I tend to dig in obssessively until a project is completed.

Thanks again, looking forward to learning about the laserdisc capturing process!
(This post was last modified: 2016-03-16, 07:13 PM by termfly.)
Hello Smile
Maybe a little belated, but...

On behalf of the community, "Welcome to fanres!" Big Grin

It's true that multi-channel remixes of mono and stereo sources usually tend to be sub-par.

There's a lot of people here in the community that would be happy to give you pointers, so feel free to ask as many questions as you need. Although, please browse through the threads first, to make sure you're not asking a question that already has an answerWink
Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash... Sad
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